Cryptocurrency of Bitcoin against QIANSHI quantum computer from Chinese search engine giant Baidu Inc.

In pursuit of qubits,  Baidu Inc  , as the leader among Chinese search engines, does not lag behind its Western competitor  Alphabet Inc.

In August 2022, Chinese search engine giant Baidu Inc developed its own quantum computer, soon dubbed “Qianshi”.

All super-powerful computers use quantum physics to solve complex problems that traditional devices cannot, using qubits, an evolution of the classic binary bit. Qubits can simultaneously represent the value 1 or 0, which promises exponential growth in computing power.

Bitcoin uses several  cryptographic algorithms at once : an elliptic curve digital signature algorithm  (ECDSA) for signing transactions and  two hashing functions  –  SHA-256 and  RIPEMD160.

The most common  function hashes  use a variant  128 ключей that can be  cracked by quantum computers . In the foreseeable future  RIPEMD160 , it may also be under threat.

Implementing an encryption upgrade for a blockchain system seems to be the biggest headache for cryptographers, as the process of updating existing private keys can create new vulnerabilities.

New private keys will be generated by the system after the successful implementation of  post-quantum encryption . To enable transition to the new private key, users will need to sign their old private key for approval. However, inactive Bitcoin users may never update their private key, which can cause serious problems, as dormant Bitcoin Wallets, such as those holding over 1 million BTC coins that are believed to be owned by  Satoshi Nakamoto , will probably never see  encryption improvements .


Top Dormant Bitcoin Addresses
Top Dormant Bitcoin Addresses

Birthday attack

One of the most commonly cited attacks on Bitcoin that can be used by quantum computers is  the “Birthday attack”

This method is based on hash function collisions   based on  the birthday paradox .

It uses the mathematics behind the birthday problem in probability theory. The success of this attack largely depends on a higher probability of collisions between random attack attempts and a fixed degree of permutations, as described in the birthday paradox problem, a mathematical model for finding partial collisions by detecting collisions between two Bitcoin addresses that create the same  HASH160(to try find a collision for  HASH160) .

The algorithm can be described by analogy with a random walk

Cryptocurrency of Bitcoin against QIANSHI quantum computer from Chinese search engine giant Baidu Inc.

Five random walks of eight steps starting at the central point. Some paths seem to be shorter than  8 шагов: in this case, the path duplicates some steps in the opposite direction. From Wikipedia:  “Random Walk”

Using the principle that any function with a finite number of possible outputs placed in a feedback loop will cycle through, one can use a relatively small amount of memory to store outputs with a specific structure and use them as a  «маркеров»way to better detect when a marker occurs  ( passed before).  These markers are called highlighted points, and the point where two inputs produce the same result is called  a collision point.

Let’s move on to the experimental part:

Open  [TerminalGoogleColab] .

Let’s use the “11QianshiBTC” repository  .

git clone

cd CryptoDeepTools/11QianshiBTC/

Cryptocurrency of Bitcoin against QIANSHI quantum computer from Chinese search engine giant Baidu Inc.

Install all packages:

sudo apt-get install g++ -y
sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev -y
Cryptocurrency of Bitcoin against QIANSHI quantum computer from Chinese search engine giant Baidu Inc.
Cryptocurrency of Bitcoin against QIANSHI quantum computer from Chinese search engine giant Baidu Inc.


Cryptocurrency of Bitcoin against QIANSHI quantum computer from Chinese search engine giant Baidu Inc.

Let’s run the command  ls and see that  qianshiBTC – a tool for finding a collision of Bitcoin Addresses has been successfully created!

Cryptocurrency of Bitcoin against QIANSHI quantum computer from Chinese search engine giant Baidu Inc.


To start, specify the first ones  40 bits to search for a  collision

./qianshiBTC 40
Launch of qianshiBTC - Bitcoin Address Collision Finder
Launch of qianshiBTC – Bitcoin Address Collision Finder

From the search, we can see that we got a partial collision of Bitcoin addresses based on the “Birthday Attack”

Let’s open bitaddress and   check:


priv_key[1] = 277C6CA6F6BD18E09BE149D02B73219E959F1F196EA053DA064F8AE87D937060
priv_key[2] = 9E233E554BBBCA4E0E487DBB108E8207F5E29C2203007A6C671F769C6EB56463

WIF[1] = KxYU1nx59KfPngSvDWU9B2hinhprnTT5pXiVZUEmjqdo41DuafPc
WIF[2] = L2X7Kn854vGj87rNQd1Kgz9p9powZ3iHebp8GdkK8tHuRMDjufJv


message = "This is a real Bitcoin address."
sig[1] = H3RIf+MXNTt68hBxo6jNLMYFZVdGJYKucuE07P2EEcYnCT3MmeC7IZ7bib4GphG3oKph2Cg/t1KIoJShT1uLOfo=
sig[2] = ILWm8qSAacbS+ShcUohp5Nyw4/yFLMPRydPLLy8HNy3IVHRvRt58Rtr3511euQGT9tVIcv0QhetqydrB0txUxu8=


pub_key[1] = 023A7ABE886BF8A5E629C71449FA7B45F1A540A88C1321B32153002EE5DB6FCD
pub_key[2] = 024EE1DFCE7498EA0729EADFDC3428FF3D966509800A4C786A317B9E0CAABB44

bonus = 0bits
shared = 10chars
hash160[1] = 06df0a6506d559796b4e4bf11e5d37140151f631
hash160[2] = 06df0a6506264eae5f2727343b09f9b6b114d5ad

shared = 6chars
addr[1] = 1dLFHTpXawMMcFGd81ky7pjEcKDa9z3M8
addr[2] = 1dLFHToyYKVanuxG6XcC1BW9BLHuRugGt

warning: verify the keys/addresses before use!

Currently the code only uses  CPU, but a port to  GPU would make more  100 битные collisions possible. This is similar to split key mining  Vanitygen. With enough cores, it is possible to increase the bits to  look for a collision . In the case of quantum computers, the  hash function is RIPEMD160  completely doomed.


This video was created for the  CRYPTO DEEP TECH portal  to ensure the financial security of data and cryptography on elliptic curves  secp256k1 against weak signatures  ECDSA in cryptocurrency BITCOIN



Video material:


Криптостойкость Биткоина против квантового компьютера QIANSHI от китайского гиганта поисковой системы Baidu Inc.


Crypto Deep Tech